Welcoming Maarten, former electronic security systems specialist gone Network Test Engineer

Excentis keeps on growing, and we’re very happy to welcome Maarten Van in as our new colleague (network) test engineer!
Maarten started as electronic security systems specialist (mainly CCTV and RFID access control) and expanded his education with a computer science degree because of his strong interest in ICT, networks and data communications.
Welcome, Maarten! Could you introduce yourself to your benevolent reader?
Hello! My name is Maarten, which I think you could already deduct, just started as a (network) test engineer here at Excentis.
I started my career as first a technician, later support, integration and configuration of electronic security systems, such as the already mentioned CCTV or RFID access control. I quickly noticed I was very interested in the ICT and networks side of things, so I decided to persue (and get!) a degree in computer science.
After successfully getting the degree, I wanted to get into a field that would keep pushing me to expand my knowledge and skills. Challenge is important to me. In that sense, Excentis is a fantastic environment to both learn and get proper experience from both my new colleagues as my own activities.
That sounds great! What makes you tick?
Well, I basically have 2 major fields of interest: music and tech.
In tech I love all things IT and electronics, tinkering, soldering, building things with micro controllers and SBC’s, all that fun stuff.
In music I enjoy going to concerts, playing various instruments (mostly the good ol’ guitar) and collecting music albums.
In practice, these overlap frequently, like repairing my amp, running recording software on DIY hardware to even making my own virtual instruments.
Cue guitar solo. What role will you be playing here at Excentis?
I’ll be executing tests on both DOCSIS and Wi-Fi products here as a (network) test engineer, using their own ByteBlower network testing suite, building and improving upon testing scripts, helping in maintaining and improving the lab, things like that.
Helping the end user in the end. What would be a few solid goals for you to reach in, say, a year or so?
I’d love to get more into coding, and there are some really seasoned developers here.
Mentally I’d like to move from a private/small business historic playing field to a global mentality and perspective.
And maybe get a deeper understanding of RF technologies!