ByteBlower helps you test NBASE‑T products and networks!
Need a flexible NBASE-T test solution?
As the need for bandwidth and network speeds explodes, 2018 saw an uptake of the multi-gigabit NBASE-T technology and the related 802.3bz standard. Are you working on equipment that supports 2.5 Gbps and 5 Gbps Ethernet? Or, do you have plans to offer multi-gigabit network services?
If so, we have great news for you: the ByteBlower® team has just released an add-on to support the new 802.3bz standard. It will help you to measure and test the performance criteria – throughput, frame loss, jitter – of your new 2.5 Gbps or 5 Gbps Ethernet networks. This add-on is compatible with current and future ByteBlower models, so it can not be more simple: just add it as an additional ByteBlower switch.
The main features of this ByteBlower add-on:
- 6 x 2.5 Gbps (2.5GBase-T) and 2 x 5 Gbps (5GBase-T) ports
- connect directly with your ByteBlower server or use it in a daisy-chaining setup
- easy to combine with the ByteBlower wireless endpoint, the mobile equivalent of our ByteBlower traffic port. Wireless Access Points will be among the first devices to use this new standard to achieve their maximum speed
Check out our ByteBlower add-on pages for more details. And don’t miss our dedicated blog on the 802.3bz standard.
Get in touch to complement your existing ByteBlower setup with this add-on today!
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Excentis is an expert team of network, hardware and software engineers, testers and trainers, with decades of lab and field experience, a passion for optimization, automation and natural aversion to latency. How can we help?
Jan De Beule
Charlie Viaene
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