Excentis organises a first DOCSIS® 3.1 interoperability testing event

June 9, 2015 — Gent (Belgium) — Excentis, the independent expert center for DOCSIS® technology, hosts a DOCSIS 3.1 interoperability testing event in the week of June 22 to 26. DOCSIS 3.1 is the latest version of the DOCSIS specification, delivering gigabit speeds to the home. Chip, modem and CMTS vendors will attend to test and improve their DOCSIS 3.1 devices and demonstrate the interoperability with other equipment.

CableLabs®, the US non-profit consortium that creates specifications for its cable operator members, released its latest DOCSIS specification, DOCSIS 3.1, in October 2013. Since this release, chip suppliers and manufacturers are developing cable modems and cable modem termination systems according to these specifications. In order to help them with their developments, Excentis welcomes, among others, chip and cable modem vendors Cisco, Pace, STMicroelectronics, and Technicolor and cable modem termination system vendors Arris, Cisco and Huawei in Gent for interoperability testing during the entire last week of June. Rohde & Schwarz will participate to support the event with its test equipment.

The testing will be done in the test lab infrastructure of Excentis supported by its traffic generator/analyser ByteBlower® and coordinated by the Excentis test experts.

”This interoperability event is an important step for the industry as it allows all actors to test the implemented DOCSIS 3.1 features in a vendor-independent environment with easy access to the Excentis DOCSIS 3.1 experts”, says Wim De Ketelaere, CTO of Excentis.

In a private one-day event during the interoperability testing week the participating vendors will also be able to demonstrate the status of their products to the European cable operators.

“This operator event is an ideal opportunity for operators to understand when DOCSIS 3.1 products may be available. Furthermore, with this interoperability event Excentis also wants to show its commitment to be leading in testing, training and technical consulting services for DOCSIS 3.1”, says Luc Martens, CEO of Excentis.


For more information, please contact:

Luc Martens, CEO Excentis
Address in Belgium: Gildestraat 8, 9000 Ghent, Belgium | T +32 9 269 22 91
Address in the U.S.: 1177 Avenue of the Americas, 7th floor, New York City, NY 10036 | T +1 347 720 6896
Email: info@excentis.com

About Excentis

Established in May 2000, Excentis (www.excentis.com) offers testing and consulting services, specialized training and products for the telecom and ICT industry. The strongly held company values of integrity and vendor independence, combined with a well-equipped lab and proven expertise in IP, VoIP, SIP, Interactive Digital TV, network security, HFC networks, (Euro)DOCSIS™ and (Euro)PacketCable™ standards, Wi-Fi and LTE interference make Excentis the European competence center to which cable operators, telecom operators and service providers can turn for unbiased, technical support. Excentis also develops and sells test and monitoring products, like the ByteBlower TCP/IP traffic generator and analyzer (www.byteblower.com) and VoIPexaminer monitoring tool (www.voipexaminer.com). Excentis is headquartered in Ghent, Belgium.

DOCSIS®, EuroDOCSIS™, and EuroPacketCable™ are trademarks of Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.

Excentis is an impressive team of expert engineers, testers, developers and trainers with decades of field experience, a passion for optimization and natural aversion to latency.



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