New ByteBlower® GUI release: interactive graphs and intuitive GUI functionalities

ByteBlower GUI Release

Interactive graphs – also for existing reports

Did you sometimes have difficulty interpreting the ByteBlower reports, as there was too much information? Since this release, all the results are interactive: you can zoom in, hide plots your are not interested in and easily read the exact value at each spot.

What’s more, you can even regenerate old reports that you had trouble understanding and view them again in even more detail without the need to re-run the tests.

Easily capture network traffic

When running ByteBlower tests, you want a capture to investigate what is happening on your dut/setup. With ByteBlower GUI 2.11 you can now capture on the traffic ports – in 1, 2, 3: click to start the capture, open Wireshark and start debugging.


Update your ByteBlower server in just 10 minutes

Did you know you can update your ByteBlower server to the latest version right from your ByteBlower GUI? The 2.11 release of our GUI has made the update easier than ever, thanks to the Server Update Wizared. Even if your server is not connected to the internet, the wizard will guide you through every step, ensuring a smooth update in just 10 minutes.

Check out our short video to see how it works.

More to come soon …

While we were finalising this release, other colleagues were already working hard on future features of ByteBlower and the ByteBlower GUI. Very soon, users of ByteBlower wireless endpoint will be able to use statistics such as signal strength (RSSI) and access point – a big step forward when testing and troubleshooting meshed Wi-Fi networks. For Python users, the upcoming Python API release will fix a number of inconsistencies, while improving documentation and examples. We will, of course, keep you posted on updates.

Haven’t used our powerful GUI yet? Try it today for free!

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