New website launched
After many months of planning and working, we are proud to launch our new website — and we hope you like it!
What’s new?
Important goals for the new site were to create a fresh look and feel with an improved structure and navigation. The site also features a search box that allows you to find the information you need even quicker and easier. And thanks to its responsive design the site will look and work well on any device, including smartphones and tablets.
And of course, it was also a good opportunity to review and update the site contents.
What has changed for you as a user?
For most users it will simply be a better browsing experience. But there are important changes in the protected areas of the site that are good to know.
- Users of the Testing Participants Portal must request a new account. Accounts are now personal accounts instead of company accounts. Within the same company, multiple persons can request an account.
- Users of the product support sections must request an account on our brand new support portal. This portal provides access to new software releases and a lot of information to get you started with ByteBlower or our free Cable Modem Config File Editor.
Feedback is welcome
We love to hear your feedback! Like it? Or having issues? Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, just drop our webmaster an email.
- How can we help you?
Excentis is an impressive team of expert engineers, testers, developers and trainers with decades of field experience, a passion for optimization and natural aversion to latency.


We’re proud to work for the best in the world