Solutions for Service Providers

From rapidly changing technologies, shifting customer demands and fierce competition through to supply chain shortages: disruption is huge for you, as a service provider.

We don’t claim we can help you solve every challenge, yet there’s one thing we’re particularly good at: helping you to deliver an exceptional level of service, so that you can keep a competitive edge.

8 in 10 customers
see the world as ALL digital and expect nothing but seamless digital experiences.
Service providers will have to double down to meet those expectations.

Forrester Predictions 2022

Network consultancy for service providers

We know your business and your challenges. And chances are you know us too. Since the start of the (Euro)DOCSIS® standard, over 20 years ago, Excentis has been helping countless service providers like you, across the globe, to select, test and validate their network technology, troubleshoot their network and deepen and broaden their knowledge.

Here’s how we can help you:

Monitor and improve the quality of experience for your customers

Excentis is continuously seeking new ways of testing equipment as close as possible to the end-user experience. The testing tools we build provide you with crystal-clear insights on how to improve the quality of experience for your customers:

  • Measure (or let us measure) network traffic KPIs to understand how well all of today’s applications will run on your access network or wireless environment, with our ByteBlower traffic generator/analyzer and the ByteBlower Endpoint app.
  • Let us evaluate and compare your Wi-Fi solutions in a realistic environment with realistic user scenarios. Make use of our Wi-Fi test house to ensure or proof you can offer your customers the most reliable, fastest and highest-coverage Wi-Fi solution.

Discover more about

— Network Consultancy & Monitoring
— Network Training
— Network Lab & Testing as a Service
— Network Testing Solutions & Integrations

Keep your customers loyal

Video streaming, video conferencing, gaming or the upcoming Metaverse applications put new demands on connectivity. Consumers expect flawless internet service. And they are relentless, changing service providers in the blink of an eye. Keep them on board: exceed their expectations and anticipate and resolve customer issues before they occur.
  • Reach out to our experts to pinpoint and fix any performance, stability or Quality of Service/Quality of Experience issue that crops up in your cable network.
  • Trust our testing services in our Wi-Fi house or ByteBlower Endpoint to demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses of your Wi-Fi solutions.
  • Go proactive: our NetExaminer tool helps you to identify and fix issues in your cable network before they become a customer issue.
— Let’s talk!

We are the experts

  • We’re the experts – ever since the DOCSIS standard was launched.
  • We have a well-equipped lab with our very own state-of-the-art solutions – ByteBlower traffic generator, XRA DOCSIS real-time analyzer, Wi-Fi house – to help us validate and test devices and pinpoint any problem cropping up.
  • We work in close cooperation with your engineering, product marketing, … teams to deliver the test results that matter most, and within the desired timelines.
  • We’re independent: a trusted, unbiased partner, for operators as well as vendors.

Stay on top of your game

Get up to speed on today’s DOCSIS and Wi-Fi technologies in no time and gain an overview of what you can do to create a better network experience for your customers.

Excentis is an expert team of network, hardware and software engineers, testers and trainers, with decades of lab and field experience, a passion for optimization, automation and natural aversion to latency. How can we help?

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Be informed and inspired by an expert team of network, hardware and software engineers, testers and trainers.

We’re proud to work for the best in the world

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