Certified Products
The EuroCableCertification Board recently granted EuroDOCSIS 2.0/ EuroDOCSIS 3.0/ EuroPacketCable 1.5 Certified status to six new products, based on testing performed by Excentis:
- Cisco’s EPC3940L, a ED3.0 and EP1.5 E-MTA
- Cisco’s EPC3940, a ED3.0 and EP1.5 E-MTA
- Coship Electronics’s HMT-2200TZ, a ED2.0 STB/CM
- Netgear’s C6300B, a ED3.0 CM
- Netgear’s C6250TD, a ED 3.0 CM
- Pace’s DMC7000KLG, a ED3.0 and EP1.5 STB/CM
For a detailed list also showing which optional features these products support, please check it on our website.
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