New year, new release: ByteBlower 2.8 makes testing easier and faster

In with the new
We’re on a constant quest to make ByteBlower more intuitive to deploy. So we’ve added a range of new, practical features to the latest ByteBlower version. Your benefits? Faster and simpler testing:

    • Save precious time by grouping multiple ByteBlower Ports together as a default destination for data flows.
    • Use the Frame View to directly import frames from a PCAP file.
    • ByteBlower now chooses the right HTTP Request Method for you. Even on an IPv6 network with a firewall: just select the improved “Auto” option in the TCP View.
    • To make testing easier we included a feature that provides detailed information on the estimated time remaining when you’re running a test scenario.  

We hope these new features will help you fulfill all your new year’s resolutions in terms of network performance testing. Want more information? Check out our website and never hesitate to get in touch.
Happy testing in 2018!

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